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[[File:Eswatini-demography.svg|thumb|Population development of Eswatini in 1000 inhabitants|<ref>[https://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/DataQuery World Population Prospects – Population Division – United Nations 2020] Retrieved 2020-05-25</ref>]]
[[File:Eswatini-population-pyramid-2020.jpg|thumb|Age pyramid of Eswatini|<ref>[https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/wz.html Eswatini – People and Society], CIA-population: The World Factbook 2020-07, Retrieved 2020-08-15, english</ref>]]
== External links ==
* [http://www.gov.sz/ The Government of The Kingdom of Eswatini], (Government website, English)
* [https://www.thekingdomofeswatini.com/ The Kingdom of Eswatini – a royal experience], official Eswatini tourism website (richly illustrated, English)
* [http://sntc.org.sz/ Eswatini National Trust Commission – Conserving Eswatini's Natural and Cultural Heritage], (very extensive descriptions of history, culture and nature, English)
* [http://www.biggameparks.org/ The Kingdom of Eswatini's Big Game Parks] (page about the three big game parks, english)
* [https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/eswatini/ Eswatini – CIA World Factbook]
== References ==