Wikidata contains many examples of "External identifiers" such as (P267) – see Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System.

These codes are used with (P1630) such as$1 where the $1 is to be substituted by the ATC code.

This template takes an external identifier code as |code= and uses a formatter url as |url= to construct a link to the external resource, which uses the code as display.

Supplying the code as a parameter to this template allows one call to be made to Wikidata to fetch the code.



For (Q26979), (P267):

  • {{Formatter link |url=$1 |code={{wdib |P267 |qid=Q26979 |fwd=ALL |osd=n |noicon=y |maxvals=1}} }}A02AB05

The formatter url to use for (P267) can be found from:

In infoboxes, it will generally be hard-coded because it is specific to the infobox field. Otherwise the following can be used if Wikidata changes of the formatter url should be tracked:

  • {{Formatter link |url={{wdib |P1630 |qid=P267 |fwd=ALL |osd=n |noicon=y}} |code={{wdib |P267 |qid=Q26979 |fwd=ALL |osd=n |noicon=y |maxvals=1}} }}

See also
